As attorney for the inventor of the innovative new Steam Turbine Engine we are currently seeking investors and manufacturing companies to license, purchase patent rights or enter into a royalty agreement for this timely invention. Interested parties can reach the attorney at the contact numbers listed at the bottom of this page.
The present invention relates generally to engines and, more specifically, to a steam turbine engine that converts highly compressed steam to mechanical rotatative torque. An upper sealing gate and lower sealing gate alternately open and block the intake port and exhaust port accordingly through the use of a lever arm and cam and pulley system. The invention aims to provide a steam turbine engine that is environmentally friendly (green), doesn't use any fossil fuels, and is inexpensive to manufacture and operate.
Engine Power Specifications:
2.5 Liter 3 Cylinder with 408 HP @ 3000 rpm
715 foot pounds of torque @ all rpm range.
Max Steam Pressure of 350 lbs. @ 3000 RPM.*
*Figures are estimated on paper. Actual field tests would need to be performed for specific data.