patent drawing FIGURE 1

Figure 1 is a perspective view of the preferred embodiment of the present invention in use. Shown is a lit cigar being held by compression within a first holding spring clamp having semi-cylindrical gripping members and connected by a flexible spring being sheathed in a rubber-like substance to a second anchoring spring clamp attached to a bar within a golf cart.

patent drawing FIGURE 2

Figure 2 is an enlarged perspective view of the preferred embodiment of the present invention, taken from fig 1 as indicated, showing the integral dual clamping cigar holder second clamping means attached to a bar, and the first clamping means having a cigar therein.

patent drawing FIGURE 3

Figure 3 is an enlarged perspective view of the preferred embodiment of the present invention showing a hand in outline indicating the method of operation of the first holding clamp and the second anchoring clamp.

patent drawing FIGURE 4

Figure 4 is an enlarged view of the present invention showing the versatility of the flexible connection means whereby the second anchoring clamp is attached to the edge of a horizontal surface and the first holding clamp having a cigarette parallel to said surface.

patent drawing FIGURE 5

Figure 5 is an enlarged view of the preferred embodiment of the invention, showing the integral dual clamping holder second anchoring clamp attached to a golf bag and the first holding clamp having a pipe therein whereby said lit pipe can be safely held until retrieved by the smoker.

patent drawing FIGURE 6

Figure 6 is a partial sectional view of the flexible connection member of the preferred embodiment of the present invention showing a rubber like sheath covering an internal spring.

patent drawing FIGURE 7

Figure 7 is a view of an alternate embodiment of the invention showing the first and second clamping means attached to a rivet-like center member wherein one or both said clamps can be rotated 360 degrees.

patent drawing FIGURE 8

Figure 8 is a top plan view of the alternate embodiment of Fig 7 wherein the cigar holding first clamp is rotated 45 degrees to the second anchoring clamp.

patent drawing FIGURE 9

Figure 9 is a front elevational view of the alternate embodiment of the present invention shown in figures 7 and 8 having a cutaway view of the clamping members showing the rivet-like connection member.

patent drawing FIGURE 10

Figure 10 is a view of an additional embodiment of the invention showing the integral dual clamping holder attached to a lawn chair. Shown are the first and second clamp members attached to a rivet-like center member wherein the same planar surfaces is created by the head of the rivet and the leg members.

patent drawing FIGURE 11

Figure 11 is an exploded view of the additional alternate embodiment of the present invention shown in Fig 10. Shown are the first clamping member and the second clamping member and the rivet-like connection means for said clamps.

10 present invention28 hand
12 golf cart30 horizontal surface
14 cigar32 golf bag
16 first holding spring member34 pipe
18 first gripping member36 alternate locations
20 flexible spring38 center member
22 rubber sheath 40 center member recess
24 second anchoring spring member42 lawn chair
25 second gripping member44 wrap of first spring member
26 handrail46 wrap of second spring member | invention home page | patent drawings | patent summary |contact info