Pliable Dual Clamping Cigar/Cigarette Holder

U.S. Patent : # 6,050,268 Inventor: Keith San Filippo

As attorney for the inventor of the innovative Pliable Dual Clamping Cigar/Cigarette Holder we are currently seeking manufacturing companies to license, purchase patent rights or enter into a royalty agreement for this timely invention.

The Pliable Dual Clamping Cigar/Cigarette Holder is used to temporarily hold cigars, cigarettes, and/or pipes. It is portable, and can easily be moved from one object such as a golf cart, a handrail, or golf bag to another.

Objects of the present invention:

  • to provide a portable dual spring clamp holder for a cigar, cigarette or pipe

  • to provide a portable dual spring clamp holder having a first holding clamp with semi-cylindrical abutting gripping members and a second anchoring clamp with elongated rectangularly-shaped parallel gripping members

  • to provide a holder having connection means between two clamps which allows for selective positioning of a cigar, cigarette or pipe

Now for the first time this unique product is available for millions of potential users. The low manufacturing cost is of major importance. | invention home page | patent drawings | patent summary |contact info