Improved Handwriting Template System

U.S. Patent : # 6,142,783 Inventor: Manuel A. Rocha

As attorney for the inventor of the innovative Improved Handwriting Template System we are currently seeking manufacturing companies to license, purchase patent rights or enter into a royalty agreement for this timely invention.

The present invention relates generally to educational devices and, more specifically, to a system having a plurality of templates whereby a user selects a template and inserts the template into the template holder. The user can then proceed inserting a sheet of paper between the template and template holder and practice their handwriting. Each template has a first column with a figure imprinted on each row and a second column with a stencil of the figure in the corresponding row wherein the user would practice following the stencil.

Objects of the present invention:

  • to provide a means of practicing the formation of upper and lower case letters in block and script format

  • to provide a device which will allow an individual to insert a piece of paper and select a template for the alphabet, vowels, geometric shapes, or numbers and insert the selected template into the device which will allow the individual to trace an object in the first column, practice using the formed object in the second colum and finally to practice within a plurality of structured boxes having a plurality of guide lines on each edge of the box

  • to provide a learning device that is effective and simple and easy to use

Now for the first time this unique product is available for millions of potential users. The low manufacturing cost is of major importance. | invention home page | patent drawings | patent summary |contact info